
By SparseRunner


I've not been sleeping as well as usual here, so was glad that I got back to sleep for another couple of hours after waking at 06:00. When I got up it was beautifully sunny, so I took the opportunity to go for a walk up Klakkur (413m). This is the smallest of the three peaks across the fjord but, being the westernmost, it offers great views of the islands of Kunoy and Kalsoy, and the "mainland" of Esturoy. I pushed hard on the way up - partly for "training" and partly because it was gradually clouding over from the east. Just before the summit I met the French guy who had shared the taxi with me from the airport, and we compared experiences.  

I was soon back at my apartment and, after lunch, got down to work - until the United Vs Coventry game got a bit too exciting. In the end I felt sorry for Coventry, and wonder winning was the best result long-term for United.

I've decided to stay in the Norðoyar (North Islands) tomorrow, rather than go south, and take the chance to visit one of the small islands.

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