Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Ulex europaeus

Once again we had nicer weather than forecast, with patches of (relatively brief) sun and even some blue sky.  There's gorse growing round the back of the football pitch which I thought might be a good bet for a WFW24 shot and is local enough for me to be able to calculate both the degree of sun and the rather brief time I had to take it in.  So here we are.  

Otherwise today I've done two loads of washing and gardened.  The big news, though, is that J took Bram off to one of his Doggie Daycare centres.  The little dog had a wonderful time and has come back fairly exhausted.  He normally has ridiculous amounts of energy to burn off, so it's been very good for him and a pretty steep learning curve.

Okay, that's me!  Hope you've all had a good Tuesday.  For those it concerns, the results of WFW24_03 will be in my journal tomorrow  xx

PS: Am I right in thinking today is Shakespeare's birthday?

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