Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

My new team

This is the team I have just joined.

Front row, left to right, Annie, James, Andre and Mathieu
Back row left to right, Maarten, Sylvie T, Lisa, Thiery, Sylvie Z and Phillipe

We had a 1 1/2 hour picnic lunch in the park which was a really good alternative to the cafeteria and a good team building experience. It's really good to meet the people you work with, and in a company like mine, not something that always happens.

Annie is the boss. She has been off work for a year and still won't return until at least September. She broke her leg in a walking accident (in the mountains) and the cast put on by the hospital (in Corsica) was too tight and caused damage to the muscle, flesh and nerves. At one point, it was touch and go whether they would have to amputate but luckily the hospital in Grenoble is one of the best in Europe for dealing with this type of injury and the leg has been saved although it has taken some grueling surgery involving muscle and skin grafts to get there. A remarkable journey and one that has given Annie a different perspective on life and taught her a bit of patience and to put her health before work - the silver lining in this particular cloud.

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