
By Ridgeback13


Luckily AR wasn’t awake early feeling poorly like she was at the weekend, but once we were all up it was interesting to have them try and bend the rules for what they are and aren’t allowed to do, eat etc before school. I had to text Mt&H to get the final say so I’ll know for the rest of the week! They played with the cat’s tunnel, got ready, sorted school bags, arranged PE outfits and all the usual chaos of the before school time, but managed to arrive early before the school gates were open…I haven’t got the timing down to the wire as I’m sure Mt&H have!
Came home and cleared up a bit then decided to get out into the garden as it was a beautiful sunny warm day. I did a load of weeding and then strimmed the bit of front lawn (struck me half way through that they might be doing no mow May, but I assume/hope not as the back lawn has been cut!). They don’t have lots of flowers in the garden but these poppies were gorgeous.
Walked up to M&S to get some things for supper then home and after I’d caught up on email and done some diary stuff (very annoying that my devices don’t seem to have been syncing recently and the diary’s a bit of a mess), I had lunch in the garden and just relaxed for a while.
I made some fairy cake for after school snacks and then walked up to collect them at 3.30pm. Once home they dived into the cakes, AR dashed for the swing in the garden and Mx had some screen time then there was general chaos, fitting some piano practice, spelling homework and supper around it all (not that they ate any of the pizza they’d asked for because it had the wrong colour cheese on (sigh!).
Bit of TV, chat about their day and conversations with Mx about allergies, how he tries to smile in different ways, and how he wants a new Star Wars outfit (when I tried to put him off by saying I wouldn’t know where to get one he told me that ‘when I was just relaxing in bed I should just search it out’ and let him choose from the options I found!).
Baths then bed and I finally came downstairs, put some washing on, and sat down with a cuppa for the evening.

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