Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Dive, Dive, Dive

Two days could not have been more different in terms of weather.  Today may have started dry but by 9 am it had started to rain and hasn’t stopped yet, as I post this entry.  I did take a pre breakfast walk along the River Rothay between Grasmere and Rydal Water. I was hoping to photograph a dipper, but while one did fly by, I didn’t come across one that gave me an opportunity to photograph.

There were two herons at various points and I did get the opportunity to capture a bird in flight, but in all my years I can’t remember watching one dive into the water to catch a fish.  Not that this happened in this case, but it was still an interesting moment.

Later we donned waterproofs and walked into Ambleside in increasingly heavy rain.  The waterproofs did a reasonable job, but I think they’ll benefit from a wash and reproofing. Back on the bus and then a relaxing late afternoon and now we see that the general election is likely to be on July 4th.

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