Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


of Clemetis flowers, just before the heaviest rain of the day began!

In the extra - the raindrops on my very battered CistusXDansereaui...

I got badly caught up in the rain on my way to the interview, along with messy roadworks (and had to pay £3 for parking for 2 hours in a University car park for visitors!)....  Again just in time, and again I think it was a good interview, so I'll see what happens.

No more interviews til Monday, but then one on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (and another still to be arranged - for a job I don't really want but must go to interview if offered)!

Home, I relaxed for a while, then did some housework including a bit of hoovering in the living room.  I've reluctantly cleared my table of art equipment and a neighbour is coming over this evening to help me turn it round so that the new internet provider can get to the connections tomorrow.  

They're due between 8am and 1pm and I have to be in...  

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