This is the day

By wrencottage

Bedraggled and Bemused

While we were away on holiday for three weeks, the local bird population clearly thought we’d abandoned them permanently, and our garden was eerily quiet and still for a couple of days after we returned. I was so disappointed, but I knew that I just had to give the birds time to work out that normal service had finally been resumed.  

So today I was delighted to see lots of blue tits diving in and out of the fat ball feeder cage on the patio and then zooming across to the sunflower seed feeder under the twisted hazel.

Over on the path by the rose garden, this robin spent a long time hovering on the rim of the bird bath, bobbing and dipping his beak into the water, and finally going the whole hog and jumping in, making a big splash. I had to laugh at his expression when he came out, though, because he looked quite forlorn, bedraggled and bemused as though he hadn’t expected to get wet!

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