
By JennyOwen

With Jack, Simone and Frieda

Marianna went to Hartlepool early yesterday morning for work, for 2 days. So I'd blocked out most of the day, to give Jack a hand.
It worked well. J and I had an early lunch with Simone, and then he went upstairs to work. S played contentedly with me until it was time to meet Frieda from pre-school. I walked down there with S in the pushchair, where she had a short nap eventually.
F was in good form, and we made it back up the hill at a steady pace (excellent Granny workout). Cheery imaginary games followed, and then the short piano lesson that F has on Thursdays. Jack finished working at 4 & I stayed on till 6.30, when Marianna got home.
I keep pinching myself to check that I am not dreaming - there really will be a general election on July 4th. I just hope that current polls will prove accurate, and that we'll finally leave these years of chaos, decline and dishonesty behind.

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