Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Four old(er) men

It rained for most of the day, but was not quite as dark as yesterday.

Tonight I went to the Queen’s Hall in Hexham to hear The Pitman Poets Reunited. Billy Mitchell, Bob Fox, Benny Graham and Jen Lowe all have long and illustrious careers as north east musicians. They are also all first generation men who did not go down the coal mines, unlike their fathers.

They sang mainly songs about mining, some written by band members. It was a terrific evening. They all sing well and play a variety of instruments well. The theatre was full and the audience, nearly all of a certain age, was enthralled.

My blip is Jez Lowe talking to an audience member about the book he published recently.

As you can imagine, politics were never mentioned!

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