Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Battered Flat

What rain?
Well .... we all like a laugh don't we -- and if we can't laugh about it we will cry.
SWMBO's Raynaud's has been so bad that she turned the heating on this afternoon.

I forgot I had a scan this morning. Luckily SWMBO checked the diary so I didn't miss it. It was done 3 times though. I was beginning to worry, but it turns out t'interweb wasn't working properly so the information wasn't going through. The nurse reassured me it was fine .... and if I got an appointment for another one it was just somebody being over particular and not believing her and the notes etc.

On the way home we stopped at The Larder and confirmed the pick-up time next week for the deliveries to Jupiter Artland .... and bought a couple of their lunchtime special sandwiches as we had to be at Bags' for the kids getting home (Friday is half day at schools here). They were delicious.

When Bags got home and we headed off I went into the garage to cut some wood in preparation for making a nice mortar & pestle for the BIL (he doesn't have a 'decent' one ... ie big enough). He will get it as a house warming present.

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