Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Basil says "Who goes there?"

So what happens when a 3-month-old Pomeranian puppy takes offence to a man's crutches. Well, you pick him up and give him a cuddle don't you? Unfortunately you can't guarantee that those little needle-like teeth won't soon be latching themselves onto your fingers instead of the rubber tips of your crutches...

Basil belongs to my hairdresser and he follows on from Quigley - another Pomeranian -who sadly died a few months back at a ripe age of 15. Basil's a very different dog from Quigley, although he does look and rush around in a very similar fashion (some may call it deranged - I call it enthusiastic). He's a bit more cuddly and less aloof, but I'm guessing that may change as he becomes more mature. Small Dog Syndrome, if you like...

In other news, today I've finally shed my leg brace after 8 weeks. And it feels great. I've still got the crutches to assist me for a couple of more weeks, but as I embark on a programme of physio and strengthening, hopefully I'll be able to cast these aside shortly. The surgeon's happy though - apparently I'm making excellent progress. Long may it continue!

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