Small mercies

I try every day to thank God for all that he's given me. Some days are harder than others in terms of counting my blessings.

Then I remember:

I love to potter in my garden on a warm, sunny winter's day.
I love the smell of the damp earth between my gloves.
I love the moment of excitement when I pull up a funny-shaped carrot or a huge spring onion, or a teeny weeny potato.
I love the sun shining on Cousteau's red coat.
I love watching Pio stretch in the sun on the deck.
I love having the doors open, letting fresh air reach the far corners of my stuffy home.
I love helping a friend to stack her firewood.
I love music on the stereo, playing quietly in the background.
I love the smell of a slow-roasting lamb joint in the oven.

So, as you can see, without even trying, I have a lot of blessings to count.

Not so difficult really.


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