electric glass

By electricglass


On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school

Though I don't think I deserve to be relaxin'. I needed to before beating the whole world in tennis! And other things.

Thanks for checking out my blip!

****Edit for Posterior**** heh!

Daaaang. Someone figured out it was my 200th blip.

Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments on all my photo's! I really love this community!

I guess the only thing I can complain about is the fact that I can not get myself to comment as much as I'd like too. I always feel like I'm saying the same things over and over. I try to think of something to write that's cleaver or different every time. If I can't think of something then I don't. But I am looking as much as possible. Maybe I should write and Automator script to go though all the people I subscribe to and post the same thing every day. Or at least have a list of blip comments pretyped so I can just cut and past one on everyone's comments. ;) But I won't go and do that. That would be lame

Thank you Joe and Blip Central! I LOVE all the hard work and updates that have been going into the site! The favorites, blipfeed, and new navigation on the about page is just rocking! Congrats on all your amazingness! I can see myself having that shiny red camera in my future and staying a founding member long past then. I really love this place!

So I didn't do one at 100 so I'll do a list here. My greatest misses. The ones that didn't get view like I thought they would. (Either from being back blips, posted on a friday night, or a holiday)
Bored at work
Day of Bed
Destroy Beauty
Angery Bear
Ya Like Daaaags?Frustrated
Book Cliffs at Dusk

Again! Thanks for all the great comments! They always cheer up my days!

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