Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Other Hummer...

...that occasionally visits is the Rufous Hummingbird. Named Rufous because of their reddish coloring, which is more prominent in the males, of course. I also got two of the Anna's Hummingbird in mid-air and you can see the differences in these two hummingbirds on my Flickr photostream.. I chose this image as it was the clearest of her face/eyes. Once again, I took advantage of the wonderful afternoon to sit and read and have the camera close at hand, which worked out beautifully. Yay, me! Or as the Irish would say, Fair play to you (me!). HA. I am almost done with Tana French's latest book. I liked this one the best, I think.

See ya later.

Often described as "feisty," the Rufous may have the ideal size-to-weight ratio among North American hummingbirds. This bird outflies all other species, and usually gets its way at feeders at the expense of slower, less-maneuverable hummers. The Rufous has the longest migration route of all US hummingbirds.

Physical Description
Average weight: male 3.22 g, female 3.41 g. Females are larger than males.

Adult male: Non-iridescent rufous crown, tail, and sides; back may be rufous, green , or some of each; bright orange-red gorget, white breast. Green-backed Rufous cannot be reliably separated from Allen's in the field without extensive experience and a good view of the spread tailfeathers through a scope.
Adult female: Green back and crown, white breast, streaked throat, rufous sides and base of tail feathers, white tips on outer tail feathers. Very similar to female Allen's and Broad-tailed.

Observed in every state and province except Hawaii, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec. There was even one very unusual report from extreme eastern Siberia! The Rufous is the most widely-distributed hummingbird in North America. Winters in Mexico and possibly Panama.

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