Journey Through Time

By Sue

Squirrel Blip!

We have two narrow windows on either side of our fireplace and Bill came home from work and was sitting in his chair, and he said, "This squirrel is looking right at me." I looked, and sure enough, this squirrel was sprawled out on top of the gate and was staring in the house. I snapped off a few rounds, and then she got up and moved, and we could see she is a new mother. Guess she escaped to get some peace and quiet from the kids and to cool off on top of the gate in the shade.

I went and got my aunt and we did a few errands. It takes us forever to get those errands done, but they are done. We are also seeking peace and quiet and to cool off from the warm day. Our son is coming over and we will have home made tacos. I hate to cook it, but it's not all that big of a deal...

Hope all is well my dear Blip buddies.

“War is what happens when language fails.”
― Margaret Atwood

“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.”
― Mark Twain

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