Mixed feelings today:-

:-( = SAD to be leaving Cornwall but we couldn't have asked for better weather for a whole fortnight - we've had a fantastic holiday.

:-) = HAPPY to have achieved 365 on lovely blip - I've surprised myself!!

Got to go and finish the packing and cleaning and then we're off on the long journey home - will write more later xx

We're home and I'm back to say a HUGE thank you to all of you who have been with me for my first year on blip. I can't believe a little over a year ago I stumbled upon a daily photo journal on a site called Blipfoto and written by a certain Lady by the name of Findhorn. I started to follow this journal, loved it and found out more about blipfoto. I have always loved taking photos and writing up holiday journals and keeping diaries, (spasmodically!) so was tempted to join blip - and the rest is history. There are some of you who have been kind enough to comment right from the start and offer help and encouragement along the way, a huge thanks to all of you - and now I find that there are even more wonderful people out there who are dropping by. I love all of your journals and apologise for my lack of commenting over the past couple of weeks due to all that lovely weather, pretty poor internet signal and Mr T saying .............. "Oh no, you're not on that b....y computer AGAIN" when there was any signal!!!
Back to work tomorrow so normal service will should be resumed.

Hey - thanks so much for putting me on the Spotlight today - my first time ever - I was so chuffed and I think Mr. T was just a little bit pleased for me too!!

Here's to the next 365?

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