Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Today I made sure I kept strictly to time in the afternoon, so that I could get away in time to get this shot, as I knew the full moon would be rising, and well-seen from a few points along Lurline St. I wanted to catch the moon illusion: telephoto at the moon, with something far-off seen against the moon, thus moon looks biiiiig.

So what went wrong??

I was looking at the wrong bit of sky waiting for the moonrise. Not far away, but the moon rose so very pale and dim (compared to the sky) that I didn't notice it until it was quite thoroughly risen - as seen here. - And this required quite some processing to make it even this clear.

And then a last-minute decision to crop it, which did rescue the illusion a little.

Probably worth a lager look (I hope).

For fun I took the moon from the railway station with the light of the signal box reflecting off the incoming train. I also enjoyed this thoroughly unreal result of messing with layers (colour dodge or burn, I forget - I always forget which does which...).

Then I took the moon from the station shot, and masked it into the tree-line shot. There was, however, no way I would have blipped that, for two reasons. Firstly, it looks fake (though I could probably have reduced that appearance with some more work on the image); but more importantly, it is fake - I get really wound up by fake moon photos, of which there seems to be an epidemic, especially any time someone says "SUPERMOON!!!111!!!1!!1eleven" (as though the moon looks discernibly any bigger ... feh). So, no fake moon shot for me - except Flickred for fun. ;-)

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