
By Combi31


I went down to the lakes this evening, as is my habit, to try and get some pics of the kingfishers.
Here is one of the parents See it bigger here

I think I am a day late for the fledging of the chicks as there was a youngster opposite me that was much less timid than the parents, and which, attracted this parent, ultimately by its cries for food.

It was fascinating watching it diving into the water and probably fascinating for it to see someone as maladroit with a camera as me - every time it dived into the water, I just wasn't ready, so missed some really great opportunities.

Of course I'll go back and get some of these types of shots....

I also think there is at least one other chick, maybe more, in the nest as the parents ran regular forays to bring food to the nest.

I hope you have had a lovely Wednesday - it has been cooler today, and it feels much more comfortable after last night's storms which has cleared the heavy atmosphere, leaving a very bearable 33°c - but the forecast is for some very hot weather and we are not even into August, our hottest month.

Preparations are advancing on the surfathon - today I labelled some tupperware boxes and filled them with things like boulgour, sugar and couscous in readiness ... that felt quite constructive ...

For those that liked my French music blips - Here is a great song and a lovely video - Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance It isn't French, but it's music ...

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