Special Day

Happy Anniversary, part 1.
Seven years ago today I changed my life with the click of a mouse.
I wrote about it last year so I won't gush on again!
Except to say how lucky I am, how thankful I am, and how blessed I am!
I wrote this in my wedding vows last year:

You're my closest friend and my perfect Match.
My Person.
I knew from the very first second that our lives were about to change forever
And here we are - nearly six years later - with two beautiful daughters
And - for me - a life unimaginably more complete than it was before.

That pretty much sums it up!
I have a lovely husband and two incredible children. All thanks to that little wink button!
Sometimes they drive me mad - both individually and collectively!
But if I had my time again; if I was sat in my office seven years ago, I'd push that button even faster!!
Mr K is currently hoovering and cooking us a special dinner as I lie on the sofa and type this.
He's a keeper!!

Oh and I had a fabulous day today.
We met Mrs C, Mr R and Baby C at Waddesdon. After driving halfway round Buckinghamshire to find my mum on her last day at work. She retired today after 36 years teaching at the same school. Imagine, she started when I was three!!
First we went to her school, no sign. Then we went to another school site, nope. They told me she'd gone to Waddesdon!!
Which is where I was always going before deciding it would be nice to go and see my mum on her last day and give her cards!!
I had the best time with the Little Misses that I've had for ages. We spent hours on the death slide, we built this spectacular den, they climbed up and down cargo nets about a million times!
I joined in with them and resisted the urge to hurry them home.
We were all much happier for it.

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