Achy Breaky Me

Oh my goodness I hurt everywhere! Yesterday's workout has me wincing every time I sit down, stand up or use the stairs. No doubt, I needed it if I am feeling it this bad. I am sure next time will be easier but no more breaks for me!! It is not worth it to have to start over again.
I had a great art class today. I am almost done with my current project and I am very pleased with how it is coming out. After art class, I went over to the mall to do some shopping for my mom's birthday gift. It took a while but I put together a very nice present. I realized I never had lunch and it was nearly 3 p.m. so I was about to leave Macy's and head for home when I spotted a Starbuck's in Macy's !!! It was right there in the accessories department!! I thought perhaps that I was seeing a mirage due to my current state of weak legs, sore abs and hunger pangs. I walked over and went up to the counter and the nice person behind the counter said, "Welcome to Starbucks how are you doing today?" It was really there!! I smiled and told the person I thought I was hallucinating and he smiled right back and said, "We just opened here isn't it great?" 'Yes' I said 'It is great!' I ordered my usual Café Americano over ice and a bag of almonds. I fell into one of the seats and sat there until I felt rested and then pulled myself up out of the seat and limped to my car. Go ahead and laugh, I know it is pathetic.
Driving home, I passed this corner on Main Street downtown. This is the handiwork of our local Metuchen Garden Club. They have planted all sorts of beautiful things around town and it makes such a big difference in how nice it looks. This particular corner is directly across from the train station. It is nice when people are walking past after arriving on the train to see these beautiful plants and flowers when entering town. I snapped this picture from my car window with my smartphone. Wish I had brought my camera with me but it still looks nice.
I am sitting at home now and feel like I am ready for bed. Tomorrow I will start my day with a swim and my muscles will hopefully appreciate that and feel better than they do today!

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