Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Flight Noir

Right. So. This evening I took a few photos. Snapped a mynah, a few bits of landscape, a cool-looking house in the distance that I rendered all noir, a church (I think) with a neat narrow spire thing against the evening sky, and a curve of fence in the golden light - that I think I've already blipped before. There were cockatoos flying and squawking everywhere, and I was trying - and failing - to get a shot. I was going between attempts at the cockies, and landscapey shots; the latter requiring adjustment downwards of exposure compensation in an attempt to bring out what colour was in the sky. Of course, being a nong, I forgot to adjust back. Thus, when a cocky swung around in front of the Alex, the shot was buggered up by being over-dark.

Then I looked at the result ... and put away my camera, as I didn't think I'd beat it, however I might have tried. ;-) This is just as it came from the camera, and happily, I'm just as pleased with it on the iPad as I was on the itty-bitty camera LCD. 8)

Could reward a larger look.

Nice to hear from Missy-moo that her teacher told her the shapes of her letters are "excellent", and she's really good at dictation and spelling - to the point her teacher showed her book to the rest of the year twos. 8)

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