
The Little Misses spent an awful lot of time on the swing today. This is Miss E putting a tiger, a leopard and a giraffe down Miss L's top so they can have a swing too!
When I went out first thing Miss E had already climbed up the swing (it doubles as a climbing frame!) and tied dozens of sticks to it with the belts from all our bathrobes!
It was a tree house she said. Because we haven't got one!
I spent the day tidying their rooms. Proper tidying: moving all the furniture, filling two bin bags full of broken toys, pen lids, broken crayons, miscellaneous plastic things, mummified apple cores (nice!) etc, hoovering every inch of carpet (and ceiling!), sorting the books and the clothes and the puzzles and games, scrubbing the mysterious black stuff off the windowsill......
I'm knackered but their rooms are spotless!
That's about it. Not the most exciting day ever in the K household!

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