Holiday # 10 Billy

Somehow I struggled to get it together with a blip today, so I found Billy...but he wasn't really interested and this is the best I could do!

Some of you know I have a difficult relationship with my mother, and I'm sorry but I'm going to rant a bit here...

Yesterday my mother sent an email telling me and my brother she has had numerous falls last Monday. She gave us a rigmarole of a story complaining all about exactly every action made by the hospital and paramedics (this is her all over) even giving us the unimportant details. We get very fed up with her attitude, she is a very selfish woman and I feel extremely sorry for my stepfather who has to deal with her on a daily basis! She doesn't allow my stepfather to call us if she's taken into hospital (but waits until she comes out), which causes more anguish really...

I phoned her today after a sleepless night only to find that its not all as bad a picture as she had painted via email. This is what she is like, and why I get so tearful and frustrated about it all!

She is even walking around with her frame as normal at home, yet she said in the email that the hospital told her to stay in a wheelchair... So I know she will fall again and we will go through exactly the same process all over again....

She has refused to have any care packages at all saying they wouldn't do what she needs help with. Its a nightmare, it really is. I am hoping the hospital will do as they say and do an assessment in the home...

Meantime my brother (according to her) is off to America with his wife and my nephew who is going to a university somewhere in New York (Columbia)? tomorrow, so he hasn't even spoken to her yet! I have very little contact with my brother because he is so busy with his family and his job (he works overseas a lot), but the one time when I would have called him to discuss this, he's not around!

Families, honestly!!!

I don't know what I'd do without my friends at Church this morning and all you lovely blip friends, thank you :)

This is the last day of my holiday, and I'm so tired after the lack of sleep last night that I'm not doing anything much that I had planned. I was going to take a picnic lunch down by the river and practice using the tripod, but that can wait. So you have Billy hiding under his tree instead with a bit of faffing in picasa :)

Sorry its been a bit of a rant, but that has been how my weekend has been!

I'm not looking forward to going back to work at all, but at least its a job, earns money, pays bills :)

Happy Sunday folks :)

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