Dream House No. 2

Today is one of those days when you think maybe you are losing your mind but then you realize you are just trying to think about or do too much at once.
You know the feeling. You think you will save time by doing two things at once. Then your brain just seems to crash. I think it might actually take more time to multitask since you end up making so many mistakes.
I was just out of the shower, putting in my contact lenses while on the phone and talking to my granddaughter as she asked me why I had to 'put my eyes in' and I realized I was about to put both lenses in one eye. Then I had something to drop off at the doctors and I was thinking about how I wanted to get a coffee afterwards. I drove right passed the doctor’s office! Obviously, the desire for coffee was stronger than the errand to the doctors.
I drove around the town afterwards looking for something to Blip. I drove up one street that has some huge old Victorian homes and I spotted one that was especially beautiful and restored perfectly. I think I have a new dream house! I love the details in this house and the colors they have chosen to paint it. Maybe I should have been an architect. I am very drawn to interesting buildings and homes with many different things going on in the design.

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