Wiped out

You may have picked up I took the fur child to the vet one evening this week. He is allergic to many things and has a limited diet we know doesn't make his vomit or itchy.

For some time he's been worrying away at this fur creating huge bald patches on his under carriage. Without boring you with further details he needed a steroid shot to try and break the cycle.

Blessed with a brain the size of walnut he's well equipped to do cat things but not smart enough to figure if he eats out it isn't going to end well. A neighbour a few doors away has a multitude of cats hanging around his place and he's feeding them.

Last night the little bugger the fur child took himself out in the night and reappeared looking very guilty just before I left for a run. He came from the direction where the strays hang out, didn't want breakfast and since he has had little appetite for some time, this confirmed my suspicions.

As I finished my run I popped in to see my neighbour. We had a chat and hopefully the feeding of the districts strays will stop. There is plenty of wilderness land around and no shortage of food to be caught.

I've been perky enough today but not the fur child. I suspect he is both tired and has a sore tummy.

Large to see relaxation (rather than guilt)

It's beer and blip time now, to be followed by completing packing for tomorrow's trip into the mountains with the boys. It's been a few weeks since I dragged myself up steep stuff requiring crampons and ice axes and weather looks good enough to give it a go :-)


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