Caught in a trap

I don't like spiders!!!

Had a great morning out on the golf course with a friend, the first time I have played since my lesson and games in Norfolk. Thought at first the rain would beat us but we were very lucky and didn't notice the light drizzle until the last two holes. I didn't hit any great shots but I was more consistent and for the first time got round without any score above 7. I therefore equalled my best ever score!

I've managed to get quite a bit done this afternoon so far. Decided to have a quick blip break in the garden. There were some lovely spider's webs decorated with water drops but I couldn't get them defined against a decent background. I liked the way I caught this one surrounding my house. I don't like spiders but I was brave and got close to this one to catch the water drops on its back. I decided to post both as the "giant" spider looks as though it could trap the house!

Creepier LARGE if you dare!

Big Adventure Day 93
Photos 20/11,257

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