
An exciting day today. Mr E was packed into the car with all his stuff, including girlfriend! Off he went with Mrs W bravely doing the driving, for his next year at Cardiff University. He's staying in a house this year - growing up!!

After that excitement calmness descended. Mr H went to work as a lifeguard at the swimming pool and I popped over to see missymoo and help with her 3 year anniversary blip.

What a hoot. All the golfers, picnickers, rugby players, dog walkers and their friends were entertained to the site of two blippers struggling with balloons, ladders, floaty dresses and the wind!

We coped - just. I've been wanting to have a go at this sort of shot for a while. It's harder than it seems. It's great to have a model that is patient.

Some more takes of the days events are posted here and here.

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