zoom loom

I spent time on Sunday learning how to use a small portable loom called a zoom loom! My friend Irene has her own business called Cotton Clouds -which is all about weaving, spinning, yarns and more. When I told her I used to weave on a tapestry loom when I was younger, she asked me if I would like to try a new, small pin loom. Of course I said yes! She sent me the loom, instructions and materials and told me to be as creative as I like with what she sent. I'll just need to take some pictures (not hard to do!!) and later write about my creative pursuits with the zoom loom for Irene to use on her blog. I love to create step-by-step instructions, so it will be fun.

I am so happy to do this for Irene. We met through Nia movement classes and did our White Belt Training together a year ago : ) She will be visiting Florida again soon and it will be great to see her!

Above on the left is the loom, the instructions, the yarns Irene sent, plus extra more funky yarns I've gathered. On the right is my first "zoomie" as we are going to call these fun, creative pieces. The idea is that you make a number of them and make something out of them. Kind of like Granny Squares that you would crochet. But this loom makes real strongly woven pieces, amazing. I have more practice ahead of me but I like the challenge. Thanks for sharing in my excitement, I will follow up down the road!

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