Capital adventures

By marchmont


As a community educator I always get very depressed about Education Scotland events where 'learning' and 'education' are synonymous with 'school education' but the launch today of their strategy at the Scottish Learning Festival did cheer me up. Bill Maxwell, my former colleague from Aberdeen East days, made no mention of anything other than schools, children and young people in his presentation but that was challenged by some of the folk (including teachers) at my table and the point was reinforced by an inspirational video by an inspirational adult learner. Progress, but still a way to go.

I very nearly didn't get to Glasgow this morning. Woke fully at 6.30, showered, dressed and on a #37 by 6.50, not bad.

Then it was a long day on another stand so I'll be glad to get home for something decent to eat.

This is the virtuous circle of excellent learning. I like it.

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