Journey Through Time

By Sue

Mary's Gold and Bill's Story

Marigolds got their name in Europe from a similar flower, Calendula. It started out as Mary's Gold. The official name , Tagetes ,is a genus of 56 species of annual and perennial, mostly herbaceous plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae or Compositae). The genus is native to North and South America, but some species have become naturalized around the world.

Bill grew these from seed and he thought he'd plant a few for some color. They went crazy! Believe me, we have color.

Speaking of my poor was an unusual day. This morning, after his weekend of diet restrictions and drinking all the required things and all that goes with THAT, we went over to the clinic for his 10 year checkup on his colon. Yep, time for the dreaded colonoscopy. So, to make a long story short, Bill was all ready to have the procedure...on the's being delivered.....when his heart rate fell. They stopped the procedure immediately and since Bill's heart doctor is right in the same building, sent a readout to him of Bill's heart situation. They PAGED me as I was in the deli nursing my latte and reading my book. Egad. I raced up the stairs and down the hall to where he was, wondering why this was over so fast. Then I found out the story and we went over to see his doctor. (Bill has had a silent heart attack years ago and had stents put in...) They did an EKG and Dr. said that he was okay as his rate went up to what is more normal for Bill, but if he chooses to go ahead with another colonoscopy at any time in the future, it would have to be done at the hospital where they can keep a closer eye on things. We've decided that he is NOT going to have a colonoscopy in the future. He has no problems and nobody in his family had problems and it's not worth the risk of having a serious heart issue to check it out. Okay, not so short...but that's the story.

The stormy weekend was due to the remnants of a Japanese Typhoon that ended up on our front door. Wow, we had record rainfalls, high winds, downed trees and limbs, power outages, rising waters, snow in the mountains, a serious roof problem at Sea-Tac Airport in this storm was quite widespread throughout the NW states. We, personally, had no problems. The weather will improve and heading back to 70 later in the week.


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