Another Stranger

Thanks for all the comments and feedback yesterday.

I walked into town again today, I decided that I was going to blip the first bloke I saw with a decent Moustache.

It seems that Cambridge was devoid of facial adornments so I then decided I would force myself to talk to the next person I saw.

So here he is, when I asked him if I could take his picture he seemed a little suspicious, but I explained the blip thing and H challenge and he was fine with it.

A couple of alternatives.

First Shot
fag on

I had another look at the Ballet Window from yesterday (Penhaligons), I ended up talking to the Manager, the shoes are part of a campaign to promote their new unisex smell ( Iris Prima) which was developed with The English National Ballet. They let me have a sample, it is good. I then asked if I could take a picture of the other side of the window....

Other side of the window


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