Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

No other contender

Today was spent with bits of this and that at home. Mum has a touch of very painful phlebitis. The washing machine drum is coated with a thick sticky rubbery substance since one application of fabric softener was used this week. We don't use fabric softener but it was used once and something devastating has happened. I've tried special washing machine cleaner, vinegar, baking soda and now dishwasher liquid. Arghh.

However, there was a bright end to the afternoon. The calendars were ready to be collected from the printers' and here are a few. I'm about to stuff them into envelopes ready to start selling tomorrow when Haltwhistle Autumn Walking Festival starts. It's all just too exciting for words - or sleep. Tomorrow we'll see lots of old friends and new faces and in a flash 9 days it will all be over again!

PS I am thrilled with the calendars and hope that lots of people will want to buy them tomorrow. The colours don't look too good in my blip, but they are great on the page.

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