hard yakka (work)..

..at the asparagus farm.

When I popped into the the local asparagus farm a few blips ago I asked H if I could return and have a chat with him about...yes.. asparagus.
Today was the day and what wonderful hosts H and P are. I had a guided tour of the property, the green and purple varieties growing in the great outdoors and the white grown in the black poly tunnels to keep the light out (hence the white.)

This is backpacker Kate who is currently living with the family and spends time weeding (no herbicides used) and picking, an early start as the poly tunnels are dark, humid and VERY hot as the heat arrives during the day.
Asparagus has been grown here for almost 30 years and H's Dutch grandparents grew asparagus in Holland so here is a long history in the family.

What hospitable folk and sharing coffee and cake on their veranda looking over the valley and rows of asparagus I learned a lot about this yummy vegetable.

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