The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Don't mess with the young woodpeckers! This was taken by my uncle Andrew, who has a talent for photography, in 1967. I was then aged three and a half, and had not long made the acquaintance of my new brother, Ben. I have messed with effects a bit, but could not get the whole photograph of my miniature tea party in as I was under the kitchen lights, with the photo behind glass... Nul points for trying.

I don't look very happy, do I? and that fits the mood, as I had some not-good news today. No, it is not about my health or sanity, nor that of my loved ones, but I cannot say more right now. I confess that part of me wants to throw my toys out of the pram, and abandon my various pieces of coursework in favour of a massive chocolate and wine overdose, but another part of me is hearing those words from the Titanic theme song that always remind me of Pilates classes: My life will go o-ho-onnnn... PS I love those cotton frocks of my childhood!

PS CleanSteve says I should not have distressed it, because the original was much better. He is right about that. He can blip the original properly one day.

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