RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Patzcuaro Woman

Our final day of vacation and the weather is beautifully sunny this early morning in Patzcuaro. We had a little time after breakfast to wander the square (where the state of Michoacan was setting up an exhibition to promote their state) and take a few final photos. I knew I wanted a photo of the 400 year-old seminary wall just off the Plaza Grande. When I arrived, I was lucky enough to find this woman dressed in local garb waiting in the ideal position. It was an experience similar to the ballet girls in San Miguel, she looked my way, I had the exposure correctly set (have been using manual exposure more and more this trip), and captured this quintessential image of this fascinating town (better in large, I think). I wish it hadn't been full sun, but my Spanish is still not good enough to ask someone to move to the shade. Maybe next trip.

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