New Kid in Town

Thanks everyone for voting this entry into the Spotlight!

On my way to the postoffice* I spotted this cute little girl walking in and out of a shop - and automatically understood why - the shop has a special small entrance door for their smaller customers!

Ab-so-lute-ly fabulous!!!

I had never spotted this shop or entrance before, but talking to the proprietors I learned that they are pre-opened just a few days ago and the official opening is coming saturday, which explains why I never spotted it before.

I asked the girls mom if she was willing to pose with her 'mini me' both coming out of the shop each through their own door and she kindly obliged!

Don't you just love a shop that goes the extra mile to deliver customers an experience?

I do!

ps. Viewing large is often nicer!

* had to post a very special message for tomorrow. to be continued...

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