Tiny Toes

A doing day around the house saw us tidying and sorting and Simon plumbed in the underfloor heating in the kitchen.

Minnie is a lot more awake so I dont seem to have the time to do stuff. She was awake a lot during Saturday night too so we are upping her feeds to 5oz and see if we can reduce them from 6 times a day to 5 times a day. She is doing loads of kicking and her eyes are turning when she hears our voices. The only issue we have is that he last couple of nights she has liked to be rocked to sleep - I like doing it so it isnt an issue but I dont want that to be the only way she can fall asleep.

It was one of Simon's friends 40th birthdays yesterday and several of them headed to Birmingham for a meal and a few drinks - we obviously didnt go but one of our friends from Winchester came to stay over night and we had a nice catch up with him before he headed out with the gang. He nearly scared me half to death when I found him in the kitchen at 140am! We have planned a Bicester meet up in a few weeks time with him and his wife.

A nice relaxing night in with a takeaway - Simon's parents came round too. Minnie got lots and lots of cuddles :)

A busy Sunday is ahead of us .....I hope I get a nanny nap in at some point too....here's hoping anyway!

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