
These two are so sweet together. They love each other!
We had an early start today. Out of the house at 8am to meet Miss T for a couple of hours. She was back in England for 48 hours to meet her new niece and I'm so pleased we managed to fit in a visit.
We went to her Mum and Dad's house - where I've never been in the nineteen years we've known each other! It was so lovely to finally meet them!
I have spoken to her dad once before: Shortly after we met we were in Koh Samui and went to a shop to pick up our faxes* from home, the phone in the shop kept ringing and it was annoying. The owner was nowhere to be seen so I picked up the phone. To this day I have no idea why!
The voice on the other end said "Is Miss T there?"
I said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world "yeah, she's right here. Who shall I say's calling?"
"It's her dad"
Ha ha!!!!
After tea with her Mum and an early visit from Father Christmas we went to the swimming pool for an hour and had a lovely time swimming and playing with the Little Misses.
Then it was a mad rush to get back so Miss T could get to Heathrow for her flight.
Short but sweet!
We stopped at the motorway services on the way home and had a leisurely lunch and a play out on the adventure playground. Miss E had grapes and blueberries and raspberries and water.
And chips!
She's a lot brighter today. Hopefully the prune juice is working it's magic!

*It was 1997, what can I say?!!!!

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