Shore bird

I wrote this entry once, clicked on "preview" and it disappeared. I will rewrite it after I help my daughter review a research paper she is writing.

Okay, I'm finished being "editor". Now I have to rewrite the blip that was swallowed by the blip preview button. I wonder if I am the only blipper who loses entire entries that way? It can be really frustrating.

Today didn't turn out the way I had planned. We were planning to go to the Geauga County Fair with our two youngest grandchildren, but Michael got sick. That changed those plans, and since their mother was working at the Cleveland Clinic and their father at the fire station, I hung out with the kids a bit so the day wouldn't be so long for them...played Old Maid and another game; made brownies; and just hung out. Now it's time to go to bed, and I better hurry and post my blip.

This little bird is some sort of shore bird, maybe a sandpiper. If anyone knows for sure, please feel free to say so. I usually don't have the opportunity to blip shore birds, but the pond at North Chagrin Reservation has been drained for some repair work. Very little water remains, and the shore birds were dabbling along the water's edge right near the observation deck. I also got a close up of this mallard at the same spot. That's it for today from the north coast of the USA. Sunday is almost here. See you then, Blippers.

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