An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Granny Damnonii...

I have aged overnight!

Hahahahahaha.....what is that photo like?!! Don't answer that! :))

Never in a million years did I ever think I would post a shot of me COMPLETELY make up free, on t'internet but after seeing how I looked after my make-over courtesy of the Oldify App, being sans make-up didn't seem so bad!

I have laughed so much looking at this shot (just to clarify I am talking about the shot on the right ;-)) Oh I am going to be such a looker in my dotage aren't I. Just imagine that face with rouged up cheeks, bright blue eye shadow, red lippy and me honking of Coty L'aimant! David looked at it an laughed very nervously. Just wait till I give him the Oldify treatment. Ha!

Other than playing with this app, I have sorted through lots of old family photos today so tomorrow's job is to decide which ones I want to frame and work out what size I need to get them printed.

Oooo roast lamb just about to come out of the oven so need to dash. Be back later for a blip catch up.

Back Blips below if you're at a loose end :)



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