I awoke. Knowing Piet Hein had set the alarm clock at 6.30, he had to go the hospital for a small operation, I brought him to the bus, and kissed him goodbye.
He would phone me when I could come to collect him and bring him home.
A grey and rather dark day. I went to feed my swan family and it is so obvious more and more gulls gather now at the pond too and take their share of the food.
At one o'clock Piet Hein phoned and I was so happy all was allright with him.
If I could be there at three o"clock it would be fine.
So I took the bus and found him in the newly build tower at the fifth floor.
He had just walked a little round to find out if he felt ok and the nurse let him go with me, cause she found it satisfying enough.

My haiku:

There were two pigeons
They suddenly loved each other
Only for one second

And the proverb:

Kostbare dingen doet men in kleine doosjes.

Translation: Expensive objects put one in small boxes.

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