Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The "No Entry Cafe"?

We were wandering about in the city today sans kids, and as we wandered towards a shoe shop in search of Vibram FiveFingers to try, I was a bit taken with this alleyway and the people at tables. I didn't take a photo, and we headed off to the shoe shop (where I found that FiveFingers feel very odd to me, with the fabric in-between my toes). On the way back towards Pitt St we were on the other side of the road from the alleyway, and I decided I would take a photo. As it happens, I would have been rather too close for the shot on the way down, as from the other side of the road it worked reasonably well. I like the no entry sign (and the "don't cross here" sign) with the folks at tables - clearly having entered. ;-)

Larger, with a fair bit of tutuing about in the B&W conversion: clarity, exposure, contrast, colour temperature, colour sliders, dodging and burning, and possibly the grey point (gamma) as well.

I did get some shoes in the end: we went to the Merrell shop, and I got another pair of Vapour Gloves, a size down from the pair I already had - which for some unfathomable reason I had bought a size bigger than all my other Merrells. At the time I obviously thought the size 13s were too small, but they're really not, so I'm hoping they turn out to be better for running than the size 14s did for me.

I was tossing up between a couple of photos for my blip: this one, and one I shot from the hip while walking through Pitt St Mall, as a soccer lad shot in front of me. There are a couple of other shots in my Flickr as well.

Off to dinner soon, for mrs tsuken's "weekend birthday dinner". 8)

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