From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I know, I know! It's a tit again!

Agggghhhhh! I had plenty of time to post my picture yesterday but you know how it is when you get a new toy; you just want to play. In my case it was my new printer which arrived Saturday morning at about 11am. Excellent! I had visions of leaving the house to go to Stratford without it having arrived and getting back later to find it in the porch or a redelivery card. They left my Henry in the porch a couple of years ago and I could barely get the front door open or get the ridiculously massive box up the step into the hall!

Anyway I'm waffling again. It was all set up by the time I left the house although I couldn't get it to work to start with. I'd set the wifi up, put the ink cartridges in and put the red plastic tray back in (presuming it was to hold spare cartridges), closed the lid and was p***ed of to see a message saying 'There is a problem with the ink system or your printer!' All I could think was 'No shit, Sherlock!' and tinkered about for a while, you know the old 'fix all' thing - switch it off and on again etc but with no joy. Eventually, the daylight dawned and I realised that the red plastic tray was there to stop the carriage moving about in transit. Everything was fine once I got rid of that!

Off to Stratford to meet Frank then it was. I bagged a table in the Garrick. The place was pretty full yesterday but the nicest thing was that we were able to watch Scotland demolish Japan on the pub TV. I nearly burst into tears when the bagpipes started up! I'm sure lots of people have that reaction when they hear the sound of bagpipes but I assure you my love of bagpipes and all things Scottish is totally genuine. I sent DavzoBroon a text as I knew he and one of his sons, Euan, would be there at the match. He sent a message back saying he'd missed a try as he was getting a pint of lager. The funny thing is that we'd missed it too as someone with a big head obscured our view. It didn't matter much as we were enjoying our Abbot Ale and putting the world to rights as usual. We also decided what to do with our Edinburgh visitors at the end of January. It has to be the back room in The Garrick as it will be a squash in the front. I will issue warnings to the gang nearer the time about the Shakespearean pipework in the toilets!

I'll finish quickly now. It was back to Brum, takeaway, Strictly, X Factor, play with printer again before bed and there endeth Saturday.

Track? This superb song from The Yardbirds was on the radio while I was in the shower! - For Your Love

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