There's Small Choice in Rotten Apples

I am currently reading A Short History of Nearly Everything and am loving it.
It's so well written, fascinating and doesn't fry your brain.
Well apart from the bit about Schrödinger's Cat but that's just stupid. It's either dead or alive!!!!!!
Mr K and I nearly came to blows over that once. It's stupid!!!
When I saw this apple happily rotting away on the pathway I was struck by the thought of all those atoms being transformed.
Apparently almost 20 billion of Shakespeare's atoms enter a person each day through breathing, drinking and eating.
Imagine that!!!
Today has been long and not much has been achieved.
Miss E's swimming was fab. Well watching her was fab, listening to the parents around moaning - he's not even trying; he gets worse every week; all he's done is a couple of widths; he won't even try and on and on and on - was awful.
When I beat myself up for being a rubbish mother I need to remember that there are people like that out there.
I did a teeny bit of housework, sorted out my Christmas cards to sell at the school fair next weekend. They arrived from the printers yesterday and I'm really pleased with them.
I didn't cook cottage pie as I was planning, or make doctors appointments for me and Miss L for next week.
I didn't do the washing up or take the recycling out.
I didn't sort out the clothes, go and buy milk, list things on eBay or get the things out of my boot that I've been carrying around for weeks.
But at least I watched my little girl swim and felt proud of her and pleased to see her enjoying herself.
I wasn't so pleased with myself when I got to the pool and realised I'd forgotten her swimming costume and had to buy her a new one. There's £15 I'll never see again.

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