Late afternoon sunlight

I have been inside most of the day and busy preparing for the forthcoming festivities. In the afternoon I went for a walk, which inevitably included a visit to a cafe.

The sky has been clear and the temperature cool. Wind and snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Certainly the pavements were threatening to become a bit slippery when I returned after my coffee.

At Queen's Cross I was taken by the light on Rubislaw Parish Church. The light showed better from the west, but the view of the church is largely obscured from that direction. This view also includes Queen Victoria, though she has her back to us. The buildings on the left of the church would have been private houses, but are now all offices.

In the cafe I saw some tempting Italian Christmas delicacies. I was very tempted, but for sure they would cost much less in Italy. I decided I would wait until later in the month.

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