to have another beautiful, sunny day. As if it is a reward for our patience we had when the days kept coming grey and somber.
Piet Hein left before seven o'clock to go to the swimmingpool and I started to re-organise my bookshells in my little room. Soon enough he returned because of the closure of the pool on wednesdays, but he had cycled to the beach and had stood there for a minute, still in the dark. I had done a great job already and can finish my work another day.
At the end of the morning we both cycled to Kijkduin, to look at the phenomenon of the ensis shells (scheermessen in dutch language) that peep out from the sand. An amazing sight. never seen it before.
Again there were hundreds of gulls at the shore, the food is abundant, probably due to the storm. The gull in the picture had caught a starfish and flew away with her.

I want to thank you all so much for the enthusiast comments, stars and hearts for my picture of the row of crows. It happened to be my first picture yesterday walking the path down to the sea, between the dunes.

My haiku:

The sky and sea blue
It does not hurt the eye like
It does in summer

And the proverb:

Daar gestadige min plagt te zijn, blijft nog wel een worteltje van over.

Translation: Where constant love used to be, there will remain a little carrot'

It sounds great in my ears but I do not have a clue for the meaning.

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