An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Blip Secret Santa

Look what I received in the post today, my Blip Secret Santa gift!

It arrived beautifully wrapped, with a lovely card and it almost felt wrong to open it before Christmas but even if the agreement hadn't been to open it, I'm not actually sure I could have waited.

Thank you so much to my Secret Santa. I adore Christmas decs and this little tree is gorgeous. In fact I like it so much I moved one of my other fave decs so this one could have a very prominent position on the tree. Happy Christmas to you my anonymous friend :))

And thanks once again to Lucie B (sorry can't link from my iPad) for organising it.

Sorry for being so absent from Blip. I can't believe its two weeks since I blipped but life just has to take priority at the mo. I will be back blipping soon though so be prepared to be bored out of your skull, should you decide to look at them!

One thing worth noting about today is Alan got his new attendant controlled power chair :-))) David's out tonight and I've only had a brief lesson on how to control it so I suspect poor Alan will be put through a wall at some point this evening! That would be a blip and a half!! Wish us luck!!

Hope all your Christmas planning is going well and I hope to be back to blipping daily VERY soon. :)) xx

Now I must get back to planning for a quiet night in with some friends tomorrow evening. I'm sure it will be very sedate and possibly a tad boring. I may need gin to get me through it.....

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