
By Lizimagiz

Waiting For Walkers

Tomorrow I am going to get up really, really early. This translates to around 4.15am. This, I know is not difficult for all those farmers out there, especially dairy farmers. They are up well before the larks. But it is harder for me as such an early start means a very early bedtime this evening. So I am getting my blip sorted early too. I want to be walking on the Wither Hills before in order to catch even better light…the truly “Golden Hour”.
There are a number of seats along the tracks in the Wither Hills Farm Park. They are there to provide a welcome break for a weary walker. Or even just a break to sit and contemplate our lovely views. Some seats are memorial ones, erected in the memory of loved ones who have passed on and now wander these hills in spirit only. There are some that I find very poignant and special as I have known those whose lives are being remembered. Over time I will blip them and thus give those special folk more recognition.
Today’s seat is in a very handy spot. When following the route up Quail Stream and up onto the steeper sections I invariably stop here to lay my camera bag on the seat in order to set up the camera, remote and tripod. From there I can carry a much lighter bag and take joy in capturing the moment. Seize the day!

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