The second half of life..

By twigs


I've been saving this as a possible emergency blip since it arrived in the mail last week. Technically, it wasn't 'taken' today, but the image I created was created today - from the scanner - so I'm claiming that as a kosher blip!

Woke late. Fed cats. Showered. That took a good 45-odd minutes.

I had a project I'd promised Murray which I set about finishing today. It turned out that the work I thought I'd already done on it a-g-e-s ago had disappeared - possibly when I upgraded Lightroom a few months ago? - so it ended up taking me a lot of the afternoon to complete. But complete it I did, and delivered it a little after 6.00pm.

Thanks today to Jo for doing a little shopping for me, hanging out some washing and bringing it in, and teejay for dropping in to see me. It was nice to share a cuppa - I'm just sorry that I was in a bit of a rush. You've had such a challenging year - my thoughts are with you still, and with your mum too. I hope we can catch up in a more relaxed way later in the holiday.

Now I'm on countdown to my hospital visit - I just want this cast OFF! My foot needs freedom - it's suffering from a bit too much pressure when I'm upright so I'm spending time - too much time - sitting down. Roll on Wednesday!

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