Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

An Evening To Cherish

Holy Hit Me Upside The Head, Batman! Where are the ornaments in the middle of the tree???

I ran out to Walgreen's and picked out this "spectacular" $19.99 specimen last night. I had been without a tree since I had to perform surgery on the one I had in 2011. I needed one to put me in the season's spirit.

Mom came over last night and pointed to where the lights, ornaments, candy canes and my (30 yr. old) Snoopy hooked rug should be placed. She can't help me much because she gets winded easily. She's on round-the-clock oxygen now for a lung disease. So like the tree or not. Blame it on my mom! :-)

We realized after we finished decorating the living room that neither of us had eaten a bite all day, so evil me suggested we get a pizza. Her eyes lit up. She's like a little kid sometimes. We ordered it, picked it up then, WE ATE THE WHOLE THING!!!

We talked and laughed and ate. We enjoyed each other's company and had hours of quality time together. I don't know how many more Christmases like this we will have left, so this one day I will cherish forever.

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